Search Results for orthopaedica
Orthopaedica 200 Ergonomic Chair
£462 (ex. VAT)The Orthopaedica 200 ergonomic office chair is designed to provide exceptional...
Orthopaedica 300 Ergonomic Office Chair
£536 (ex. VAT)The Orthopaedica 300 Ergonomic office chair series features the tallest backre...
Orthopaedica 100 Ergonomic Office Chair
£493 (ex. VAT)The Orthopaedica 100 ergonomic office chair is the larger version of the Ortho...
Orthopaedica 90 Ergonomic Office Chair
£374 (ex. VAT)The Orthopaedica 90 Ergonomic Office Chair is designed with sculptured back an...
How to help neck pain
Over the last couple of months, we’ve been increasingly asked for advice…
Five of the best office chairs for back pain
If you suffer with back pain, a good ergonomic chair is essential…
The best office chairs of 2020
We hate to brag but we’re aficionados when it comes to the…