Accessibility in the Workplace

Creating an Accessibility in the Workplace for all

Accessibility in the workplace is about ensuring that everyone has equal access to the physical space, tools, and resources needed to excel in their roles. Unfortunately, many people with disabilities still face barriers that prevent this ideal from becoming a reality.

The International Day of People with Disability, observed annually on December 3rd, brings critical awareness to these challenges. It serves as a reminder of the obstacles people with disabilities encounter in professional settings and emphasizes the importance of fostering inclusive work environments. This day encourages us all to think about how we can help build a future where accessibility is a standard, not an exception.

We spoke to Robin Christopherson at AbilityNet about why they think #IDPWD is a cause everyone should support:

“This day plays an essential part in raising awareness around the incredible potential of people with disabilities to make any workplace a happier, healthier, and more productive one. According to research by the Government’s Health and Safety Executive, with the right reasonable adjustments in place, disabled employees are as productive as their able-bodied colleagues, take less sick leave and stay longer in their jobs. Moreover, the more diverse a workforce the happier and healthier it is – right down to the team level. Diversity matters on an ethical level, but it also makes great business sense. Oh, and by the way, you often aren’t even aware of those colleagues with a disability or impairment. Did you know that an estimated 85% of disabilities are invisible? We all bring our own rich brand of diversity to our work – and this needs to be recognised and embraced by employers and recruiters alike.”

Head of Digital Inclusion at AbilityNet

Empowering Everyone Through Technology: A Spotlight on AbilityNet

AbilityNet is a groundbreaking UK-based charity with a global mission: to make the power of digital technology accessible to everyone, regardless of age or ability. Their work focuses on bridging the digital divide and ensuring that no one is left behind in our increasingly tech-driven world.

To achieve this, AbilityNet offers a wide range of valuable services. These include specialized assessments for students, digital accessibility services for businesses and organizations, and a wealth of expert knowledge available online. Plus, they have a dedicated team of volunteers providing home support for individuals who need assistance with technology.

A standout feature of AbilityNet’s offerings is their collection of free webinars and training courses, open to everyone. These resources provide valuable insights and practical guidance on digital accessibility, helping individuals and organizations build more inclusive digital spaces.

AbilityNet’s efforts underscore the potential of technology as a tool for empowerment, making the digital world more accessible for all.

So how can you ensure there is reliable access to specialist equipment?

Creating an open and welcoming environment is key to supporting employee wellbeing and fostering a positive workplace culture. By ensuring that employees feel comfortable discussing anything that may be affecting their work, we set a foundation of trust and respect. Appointing a dedicated person for employees to speak with about their concerns is an essential step in building this kind of environment.

Scheduling regular check-ins or one-on-one meetings focused on wellbeing and physical health can also make a significant difference. These touchpoints not only support current employees but also set a positive example for future team members, establishing a standard of care and inclusivity that other companies can aspire to follow.

When we prioritize employee wellbeing, we’re not just supporting individuals; we’re building a workplace where everyone can thrive.

Things to consider when setting up or updating your office:

  • Wheelchair Ramps / Lifts / Wider paths for access between rooms and desks
  • Quiet rooms or pods for noise sensitivity
  • Braille keyboards and signage
  • Adaptive and adjustable desks & specialist office chairs
  • Invest in digital accessibility tools (speech detect, assisted listening devices, sign language apps)
  • Do your research – a computer based job can encourage aches and pains, especially those with arthritis, osteoporosis, or an RSI. Look into preventative equipment (specially designed mice, shoulder arm and wrist support whilst working at the desk, extra lumbar or thoracic support)

A big part of making work more enjoyable is to intertwine disability awareness within your company culture. Creating an inclusive environment is important in making staff feel comfortable and productive. You can usually achieve this with awareness workshops, education and one to one sessions.

Products that can help:

A key focus at Posture People is to ensure those in the workplace receive the correct equipment to work comfortably. Now more than ever, DSE (Display Screen Equipment) assessments are needed in the workplace for everyone.

Do you need some advice about your workplace?

Get in touch and one of our team would be happy to help answer your questions.

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