How to sit correctly guide

After the success of our original sitting guide, we’ve been busy creating a new guide to help you achieve the perfect posture. Our new ‘how to sit correctly guide’ will take you through a step by step approach to finding a good seated posture at work, and hopefully, making you as comfortable as possible! Combined with a self-assessment, this guide can help you set up a much more comfortable workstation.

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For further information, we recommend having a read of our tips on how to pick a good ergonomic chair and how to set it up correctly.

You might also find out free guide on understating DSE assessments useful to help you figure out your legal duties, the benefits of workstation assessments, and how to get the best from your team. It’s also got some brilliant tips on how to set up a better workstation.

dse assessment guide and training

Understanding DSE assessments

A customer can request a copy of our understanding DSE assessments booklet.

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Do you need some advice about your workplace?

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