Office Wellbeing Advice
Creating a comfortable office environment for your plus-sized staff.
Year on year the percentage of obesity in adults continues to rise….
Can a height adjustable desk improve your health?
It’s common knowledge that a lack of exercise or sitting for hours…
Office Chair Conundrum?: How to choose the perfect one
A Comprehensive Guide to Boosting Productivity and Comfort Are you tired of…
A workplace assessment for glaucoma: Can it help?
Adapting to vision loss in the workplace: How Brighton Council’s Stephen Wraige…
The economic argument for investing in ergonomic office chairs: Reducing absenteeism and boosting productivity
In today’s fast-paced business environment, finance managers are under constant pressure to…
What are signs of stress on the body?
According to Health and Safety Executive in 2021-2022, 1.8 million people suffered…
Working with arthritis (top tips and products)
In the UK there are approximately 10 million people living with arthritis….
Supporting women in the workplace
Supporting women in the workplace means creating a safe and inclusive work…
Accessibility in the Workplace
Accessibility in the workplace means everyone has equal access to the location,…