Historically we have hosted “Mobile Generations” in conjunction with the Brighton Digital Festival. This talk from Head Ergonomist, Jim Taylour of Orangebox, highlighted the issues associated with rapidly changing workplaces and what the future of work will look like.
Within the mobile generations, one study, in particular, struck a chord with us. At Posture People, excellent workplace wellbeing is paramount. Whether that be delivered by our sit-stand desks, ergonomic chairs, or copious cups of tea!
The personal wellbeing principles referred to in the talk were created by Professor Patrick Jordan (2014). This development encompassed five principles of wellbeing known as the H.A.P.P.Y model to be used in the workplace which Mobile Generations then adapted. If you are thinking about adopting better home working practices, or want to improve the wellbeing of the people in your workplace, try implementing this model.
By way of an introduction to the concept, we’d like to break down for you what the H.A.P.P.Y model stands for as detailed in the Orangebox Mobile Generations Report 2015.
H. Hatch a plan to take responsibility
Optimise your own wellbeing within the context of your employer’s policies, working environment and training.
As an employee, whatever our work situation and whatever our employers’ policies there will be things that we can do ourselves to improve wellbeing. In the short term, this can include learning how to sit with a healthy posture, learning techniques to reduce stress or managing our time in order to be more productive. In the longer term, it can include raising wellbeing and performance issues with management and persuading them to implement more effective policies and environments.
A. Agree to set goals
Aim to achieve wellbeing in all areas of your professional and personal life.
Understand what makes for a truly life-enhancing work experience and identify the areas where this experience can be improved. We should make sure that our work goals are well balanced so that we can grow both professionally and personally through work and achieve balance across different life areas.
P. Push yourself to be positive
Focus on positive aspects of wellbeing, not just avoiding the negatives.
Work is something which should make life better and increase our level of wellbeing. Instead of thinking in terms of how to minimise the negative effects of work, think of the positive benefits that it can bring in terms of health, wellbeing and personal and professional development.
P. Persevere intelligently
Find the information that is needed to help improve wellbeing and put it into practice.
Find and use relevant guidelines and advice for physical and psychological wellbeing. We should put these into practice to the best extent possible in the context of our organisation’s work policies and environment.
Y. Yearn to connect with others
Identify and seek help from those who can improve your wellbeing.
We can find out who can help us improve your wellbeing and not be shy about getting that help. This includes people and organisations providing the best advice about best practice, and those within the organisation who can facilitate these changes.