Display Screen Equipment Assessments – everything you need to know

We have noticed during our time as DSE assessors that there is very little information to help the provider fully understand the importance of the assessment. This is where we come in. We are always designing new tools to help you keep your workplace healthier and happier. By the end of this post, we hope that you understand the basics of Display Screen Equipment Assessments.

What Are Display Screen Equipment Assessments?

Display Screen Equipment (DSE) means anything with a monitor (i.e a computer screen or a tablet).

Display Screen Equipment Assessments (DSE) are put into place to protect screen users under the 1992 DSE Health and Safety regulations. It looks at a person’s working environment and what potential risks are associated with that workplace.

It is required that if an employee is working on display screen equipment for an hour or more a day that they take a DSE assessment.

If you work at a poorly designed workstation, it can have a negative effect on your wellbeing and could risk further health complications.

What is looked at in Display Screen Equipment Assessment

Display Screen Equipment is anything with a screen that displays information such as:

  • Desktop computers and monitors
  • Laptops
  • Smart phones, tablets and touchscreen devices

Display screens aren’t the only things that are looked at and assessed in a DSE, so these are also assessed:

  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Furniture (desk and chair)
  • Work environment

a Display Screen Equipment assessment (DSE) required:

  • A new person joins work
  • A workstation is changed
  • A new workstation is set up
  • The user is experiencing discomfort and pain because of the workstation

Display Screen Equipment Assessment (DSE) health risks

Even the most expensive and well-designed workstation can cause issues down the line if not set up correctly. DSE’s are a preventative measure to ensure that employees do not end up with workstation related issues. These include carpal tunnel (A condition that affects the wrists), MSD’s (musculoskeletal disorders) and repetitive strain injuries.

Musculoskeletal disorder is an injury or disorder of the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage and spinal discs. So, issues, such as, back pain, neck pain and wrist pain etc.

If an employee develops chronic issues during their time working with you, but you don’t have a Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessment on file, they may have grounds to raise a grievance.

Other Display Screen Equipment Assessment (DSE) health risks:

  • Eye strain
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Backache

Every individual who uses Display Screen Equipment (DSE) for an hour or more regularly should complete a DSE assessment but on an ongoing basis and regardless of the size of the company. Legally display screen equipment users in companies of 5 or more employers must, by law, have a written DSE assessment on file.

There is a grey area as to how many assessments employees should receive throughout their time with the company. We would always recommend that new starters receive a full assessment. Then anytime that the workplace changes thereafter (i.e. moving to a  new desk, furniture alterations, office move).

DSE assessments need to be redone when the users changes workstation, the nature of work changes, the nature of adjustment is causing more issues or major workstation changes are made.

How can you deliver a DSE assessment?

There are a number of ways to deliver a Display Screen Equipment(DSE) assessment. This is usually dependent on the size of the organisation, the severity of pre-existing conditions, time limitations and general workplace culture:

Self Assessment

In the case you have a small business, we would suggest that you begin this process by distributing self-assessments for your staff to complete. This self-assessment must be completed by the individual and checked by the person responsible for monitoring the Display Screen Equipment assessments (ideally DSE qualified).

After the self assessment has been completed, someone Display Screen Equipment (DSE) qualified or with some DSE knowledge can go through the assessment. This is to check for any potential issues. You will then need to sit with the employee to assess the risks and find out what came up and discuss the changes that need to be made.

Next, you’ll need to make the adjustments to the Display Screen Equipment (DSE) users’ workstation. If you’re unsure of how to make these adjustments and could do with some extra support, you can contact DSE assessors, such as ourselves. We can help by coming into your workplace and assessing the workstation in person or in a virtual session. We will find the solutions needed to ensure the workstation is correctly set up and follows Display Screen Equipment (DSE) guidelines and also that the user is happy and comfortable with their new set up.

Online System

Self-assessments can be time-consuming. An online Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessment can save time and money. It takes care of administration, reporting and gives automated solutions, all you have to is make the adjustments to the workstation. The Display Screen Equipment (DSE) user fills out the assessment form online. The assessor gets sent a report and any issues or risks will be flagged so they know what adjustments need to be made. Hybrid and remote workers can easily do an online DSE assessment, as it’s all online.

This system requires a license for each user to keep track of all the correspondence that has taken place. It will also flag any pesky employees that fail to complete their assessments. So, this solution is excellent for bigger companies. If you would like more information about online assessments, please contact us directly.

Smaller companies with less than twenty employees might want to do either paper assessments which need to be stored securely or our basic online self-assessment.

Independent one to one assessments

This is where we come in. Sometimes you will need to seek the expertise of a qualified assessor for complex issues. The written assessment isn’t the only thing that’s provided, we also make adjustments to the workplace. We also suggest solutions to alleviate the issue and training is provided so the individuals are and continue to work safely. In our experience, around 5% of a company will require a more in-depth assessment, due to different needs and abilities. It may be that employees are too tall, too short, too light or too heavy to fit the standard office furniture. As well as this, there may be members of staff with musculoskeletal conditions or any other medical condition which would effect their working environment. For these people we offer unique solutions with office furniture and ergonomic accessories to suit them as an individual.

Things to think about…

  • Office furniture needs to be DSE compliant and suitable chair with a 5-star base
  • DSE assessments need to be redone because when the users changes workstation, and the nature of work changes, the nature of adjustment is causing more issues or major workstation changes are made
  • The assessor chosen to complete the workstation assessment and must be suitably trained.
  • Keep in mind, remote workers and hot desk users. So what procedures have you put into place to help them working safely?  A hot desk user is someone who doesn’t have a fixed desk, and finds a free desk each morning.
Display Screen Equipment Assesment

Download your free guide today

Need some more information? Download your free copy of our ‘understanding DSE assessments to help you figure out your legal duties, the benefits of workstation assessments, and how to get the best from your team.

A customer can request a copy of our understanding DSE assessments booklet.

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