We know that managing an office is no easy feat, and you have to wear many hats! With such a varied job role, there are inevitably times where you find yourself intricately juggling one task after the other. That’s why we have put together our top 10 office essentials that every office manager should know about to make your life a little bit easier.
Kickstarting workplace wellness
As well as the obvious impact a good workplace wellness scheme has on team morale, it can also improve your staff retention rates and help you build a happier and more productive workforce. Looking after your staff doesn’t necessarily mean big flashy rewards, you can treat your staff well with some simple workplace wellness schemes.
How you can effectively manage stress in the workplace
According to the health and safety executive (HSE), 428,000 people in the UK reported work-related stress to the extent that they believed it contributed to illness. That’s a whopping 40% of all work-related illnesses! As responsible employers, it is important to implement strategies to effectively reduce and prevent stress in the workplace.
Top tips for successful office design
We spend more time in our offices than ever before, and as an employer, it is critical to make your workforce as happy, healthy and productive as possible. Do you know how much office space each employee legally needs, or the benefits of plants in the office? Our projects team have put together some free impartial office design advice over on their blog.
Everything you will ever need to plan your office move
If you think moving home is stressful, imagine what it’s like planning an office move. Make sure that all your colleagues, documents and furniture are rearranged into their new homes to everyone’s satisfaction, and do all of that on a strict budget and within a tight timeframe! This free office design toolkit will take you through the important steps and assist you in calculating costs, making sure you’re planning everything necessary for such a huge undertaking.
Everything you need to know about DSE (Display Screen Equipment assessments)
As qualified DSE assessors ourselves, we often find it hard to find information that is readily accessible for SME businesses to fully understand what a DSE assessment is, and why they legally need to have one. Display Screen Equipment assessments are a legal requirement under Health & Safety law in workplaces that have 5 or more display screen users. We have put everything you need to know about DSE in our guide as well as a free DSE self-assessment download.
Ergonomic essentials for remote workers
More and more offices are adopting flexible and agile working practices. This is not only beneficial for staff with hefty commutes and childcare obligations, but also for the employer as it can reduce the amount of office space required. If your staff is working from home, it’s essential that they still have an adequate workstation. Working hunched over on the sofa just won’t cut the mustard. Make sure you check out our ergonomic essentials for remote workers, in addition to the ideal office set-up for designing the perfect environment for hot desks and agile workers.
How to make your workplace fit for new and expectant mothers
After receiving the happy news that one of your employees is pregnant, there is a lot to take into consideration. Make sure you know how best to adapt the workstation for new and expectant mothers with this useful guide. Here we will talk you through what you need to do to keep the expectant or new mother comfortable as well as what you need to do to adhere to health and safety guidelines.
Making your workspace comfortable for plus size employees
As a responsible employer or office manager, it is imperative to promote the happiness and wellbeing of every single one of your staff and strive to always be thinking about how people of all sizes can be best supported at work. The cost of accommodating your plus-sized employees will be much less than the associated cost of sickness; absence attributable to sickness caused by obesity in the UK as a whole is estimated at between 15.5 million and 16 million days per year. Read on to find out how you can make your office environment comfortable for plus size users.
Making your workstation fit with fitness centred design
We often talk about increasingly sedentary workplaces, and the negative impact they are having on our health. Here at Posture People, we are always looking for innovative ideas to encourage better levels of activity in the workspace. Here are some of our favourite ideas for active workplace design.
How to find the ultimate office chair
When choosing an office chair, it’s important to think “user first”. Taking individual issues into consideration is essential when looking at the influx of office chairs on the market. Advice is free and we infamously love to chat. Get in touch with one of our team if you are struggling to find the right equipment. If you are looking for guides on the perfect workstation set-up and how to sit correctly, we have you covered there too.